Santa Rosa Chapter, nsdar
Santa Rosa, California

Our Patriots

Santa Rosa Chapter, NSDAR, members each have proven that they are the ancestor of at least one of the thousands of patriots who supported the American Revolutionary War by stepping up to obtain freedom from British control. Our chapter members are proud to share this list with you. Our Patriots represent the Founding Fathers and ordinary men and women, such as farmers, lawyers, merchants, seamstresses, homemakers, shopkeepers, and ministers, in the struggle for independence.

See Service Glossary below.


Colonial Flag of Connecticut
Colonial Flag of Connecticut,
Wikimedia Commons


John Allen, SGT
Nathaniel Burr, CS
Samuel Church, SOL
Israel Douglas, PVT, CS
Samuel Hamilton, Sr., SOL
John Hubbell, PS
Anthony Judd, PVT
Phineas Judd, PS
Elisha Leffingwell. ENS
Samuel Olmstead, PVT, PS
Seth Rowley, SGM
Isham Simmons, PVT
Jehiel Tinker, CAPT
Aaron West, PVT

Colonial Flag of Georgia
Colonial Flag of Georgia,
Wikimedia Commons


Absalom Hooper, PVT

Colonial Flag of Maryland
Colonial Flag of Maryland,
Wikimedia Commons


John Baldwin, PVT
John Fleenor, PS
Dennis Hudson, PVT
Jacob May, PS
Joseph Rench, PS
Thomas Stinchcomb, CAPT
James Yule, ENS, PS

Colonial Flag of Massachusetts
Colonial Flag of Massachusetts,
Wikimedia Commons


John Adams, SDI
Jabez Bigelow, LT
Ezekiel Bradford, Sr., CS
Joseph Bartlett, PVT
Phineas Fairbanks, CS
Joseph Hartwell, PVT
George Howard, Sr., PVT
Lewis Langdon, SGT
John Lynn, PVT, PS
Thomas Leggett, LCOL, PS
George Marsden, LT
John Morton, PVT
Jonas Perry, PVT
Benjamin Reed, PVT
Squire Reed, CPL
Rescom Tallman, PVT
James Yule, ENS, PS

Colonial Flag of New Hampshire
Colonial Flag of New Hampshire,
Wikimedia Commons

New Hampshire

Moses Burbank, Sr., PS
Samuel Burbank, PS
Jonathan Corliss, LT
David Corser, PVT
John Corser, JR., PS
John Griffin, LT
Isaiah Rowe, SGT, PS
Daniel Sanborn, SR, PS
Samuel Sinclair, PVT
Chase Smith, PVT

Colonial Flag of New Jersey
Colonial Flag of New Jersey,
Wikimedia Commons

New Jersey

John Norcross, LT
Adrian Post, PS
Jacob Skillman, PVT
Colonial Flag of New York
Colonial Flag of New York,
Wikimedia Commons

New York

John Mulloy, PVT
Peter Myers, PS
Diel Rockefeller, CAPT
Seth Rowley, SGM
John Ward, NONCOM
Colonial Flag of North Carolina
Colonial Flag of North Carolina,
Wikimedia Commons

North Carolina

Thomas Easterling, PS
Barnett Idol, PS
Archibald Johnson, PS
Henry Johnson, PS
Peter Meisenheimer, PVT
Fredrick Shearer, PVT
Abel Trueblodd, PS
James Yarborough, PVT
Colonial Flag of Pennsylvania
Colonial Flag of Pennsylvania,
Wikimedia Commons


John Brandon, PVT
Joshua Brown, SOL
Peter Bumgardner, PVT
Richard Crosby, PVT
Christian Diehl, PS
George Gillespie, PVT
Adam Hacker, PS
James Harry, PVT
Evan Holt, DRM, PVT
Henry Hunsicker, PVT
Henry McBroom, PVT
Ludwig Orhenbaum, PVT
Jacob Rohrer, LT
Reuben Skinner, PVT
George Spera, PVT
David Smith, PVT
George Worman, Jr., PVT
Jonathan Yerkes, PVT
George Zechman, PVT, PS

Colonial Flag of Rhode Island
Colonial Flag of Rhode Island,
Wikimedia Commons

Rhode Island

George Hopkins, PVT

  Colonial Flag of South Carolina
Colonial Flag of South Carolina,
Wikimedia Commons

South Carolina

John Dowling, PVT
Absalom Hooper, PVT

 Colonial Flag of Vermont
Colonial Flag of Vermont,
Wikimedia Commons


Philip Rutter, PVT, CS

 Colonial Flag of Virginia
Colonial Flag of Virginia,
Wikimedia Commons


William Blackburn, LT
Thomas Brooks, PS
William Carleton, PVT
Charles Carter, PVT
George Coffinberry, PVT
William Critchfield, PVT
Thomas Crump, PVT
Robert Dandridge, LT
Nicholas Fleenor, PS
William Flint, SOL
William Garrard,COL
James Howe, PVT
William Hoy, MAJ
Robert Johnson, PVT
Henry Lee, SR., PS
Adm Peck, ENS
Jacob Peck, PS
Joseph Perrin, PVT, PS
Tunis Peters, PVT
Godfrey Prince, PS
James Sawyer, PVT
William Randall, LT
Philip Ridgeway, PS
Benjamin Wagers, PVT
Thomas Wyatt, PVT

Service Glossary

CAPT — Captain
CPL — Corporal
CS — Civil Service
DRM — Drummer
ENS — Ensign
LT — Lieutenant
MAJ — Major
NONCOM — Non-Commissioned Officer
PS — Patriotic Service
PVT — Private
SDI — Signer of the Declaration of Independence
SGT— Sergeant
SGM — Sergeant Major
SOL — Soldier (no known details)